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advertising expenses中文是什么意思

用"advertising expenses"造句"advertising expenses"怎么读"advertising expenses" in a sentence


  • 广告费


  • There is also the question of promotion of the new line, and whether advertising expenses should be paid by the selling agent or by the manufacturer .
  • Where are the remaining half of advertising expense of the enterprise wasted
  • Advertising expenses budget
  • Advertising expenses for product variants are typically 50 per cent lower than those for new brands
    变体产品的广告费用通常要比新品牌低50 % 。
  • We have specially raised the commission to 4 % so as to enable you to cover the advertising expenses you may incur in sales promotion
    我们特别把佣金提高至4 %已使你方能支付在促销活动中可能发生的广告费用。
  • There is also the question of promotion of the new line , and whether advertising expenses should be paid by the selling agent or by the manufacturer
  • The nagoya regional taxation bureau said the undeclared income related to sales of car components to australian and brazilian subsidiaries and advertising expenses over a three - year period ending in march 2004
  • Article 43 for acts of advertising without approval by advertisement examination organizations in violation of the provisions of article 34 , the advertising supervision and administrative organizations shall order the responsible advertisers , advertising agents or advertisement publishers to stop publications , confiscate the advertising expenses and concurrently impose a fine ranging from twice to less than five times the amount of the advertising expenses
  • Article 40 for acts violating the provisions of articles 9 through 12 of this law , the advertising supervision and administrative organizations shall order the responsible advertisers , advertising agents or advertisement publishers to stop publication and make open corrections , confiscate the advertising expenses and impose a fine ranging from twice to less than five times the amount of advertising expenses
  • Article 42 for acts of advertising tobacco through broadcast , films , television , newspapers or periodicals in violation of the provisions of article 18 of this law or acts of posing tobacco advertisements in public places , the advertising supervision and administrative organizations shall order the responsible advertisers , advertising agents or advertisement publishers to stop publication , confiscate the advertising expenses and may concurrently impose a fine ranging from twice to less than five times the advertising expenses
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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